1. Home page > Jobs > Bangalore spell error 2. Home page > Browse Jobs > Deign is broken 3. Browse Local Jobs > Coimbatore > C is not visible 4.Home page > How can we help > Dummy text needs to change 5. Home page > Footer > Email address > last letter m is trimmed 6. Our Service page > Should read as Our Services 7. Recruitment advice page says Sorry, the page was not found! 8. Stastic pages content needs to update 9. Footer > Email address needs to change 11. Home page > Footer section > Social Media Profiles are not created 12. Signup Failure is happening for Candidate when a Candidate tries to upload CV from Cloud storages 13. Filtering Jobs by Senior Secondary Junior College is not working 14. Filtering By Salary is not returning matching results 15. Footer Section > Phone Number needs to update 16. Job Listing page : No space between the Roles and Responsibilities and decsription 17. Vacancy details page : Details section layout is broken 18. Social Media Signup is not implemented 19. Home page > Auto Suggestion keywords is not closing 20. Microsites > Auto Suggestion Location is not working 21 . Candidate Signup Email : Remove Contact Sandhya at sandhya@shikshacentre.com or call at 9900822620 22. Highlighting of Menu is not happening 23. Edge Browser : Place Holders are overlapping with entered data 24. Save Draft/Template for Job is not working in Edge Browser 25. Post a Job is not working in Edge Browser 26. Applying a Job by using CV uploaded from Cloud Storages is broken. 27. Email aJob is re-directing to Candidate Dashboard 28. Changing the Email address in the Post a Job is defaulting to admin@shikshacentre.com 29. CV Search - Preferred Locations : Overlapping the text box 30. CV search Results : Without verifying the Email address the label appears as Verified against all Candidates 31. CV search results Popup - Close button is not visible 32. Candidate profile > Present or Most Recent Leadrership teaching post > Tool tips are not displaying the help text on hover admin@shikshacentre.com Recruiter@123